New build | west point grey
Located between a large regional park and a popular beach, this house sits on a steep slope and in view of downtown Vancouver. While the frontyard remains relatively low-key, the backyard, 3 storeys lower, unfolds into a large terraced room in green and white. There, yew and laurel hedges guard the perimeter, and galvanized aluminium steps help define expanses of emerald lawns.

Dave Demers
“given such stark layout and simplicity of materials, it is An art installation by French-lebanese sculptor Marie khouri that really allowed this yard to resonate ”

In the shadows of this imposing house, the selected plants include ferns and forest grass, Beesia, white-fruited Skimmia and variegated twig dogwoods. This garden is the result of a commitment to clarity of intent, an exercise in restraint.
Vancouver, BC
photo credits
Josh McCullough – PhytoPhoto
Dave Demers
Landscape Design
CYAN Horticulture Ltd.
Landscape Installation
CYAN Horticulture Ltd.